podcast episode no.4 Q&A with Lizzie Evans – how to curate your life

You know those days when you've been working really hard on something you're super proud of and it all falls apart? There's a technical glitch and you lose everything? Computer says no. Or you are asked to speak on a panel and say the wrong thing and feel like a complete tit!? Sometimes it's really hard to give yourself a break, find the best way forward and move on out of the mess. Episode no. 4 of my podcast 'How to Curate Your Life - Work Life Balance for the Creative Entrepreneur' is entirely focused on this subject. Finding a positive outcome after disappointment or failure.  I'd like to say a huge thank you to everyone who got in touch with a question. Each question answered in the episode is listed below including the person's instagram handle. Feel free to get in touch with each other to discus these topics further. Some people wrote really interesting and insightful questions and comments that you might want to feedback on yourself. You can listen to the episode on iTunes here, or simply scroll to the bottom of this blog post and click play. Scroll down too for show notes. Thanks so much as always for listening. I'll be back on Tuesday with a brand new interview based episode. Thanks for bearing with me this week. Lizzie x 

@ethicalcreature - What do you do on days where you run out of motivation or it all gets too much? I'm just starting out and sometimes it all gets a bit overwhelming. 

@sarahstranguk - Moments of failure are often associated with the phrase "it's how you deal with it" - what are three action points or series of steps in your creative process that represent for you, "dealing with it?" 

@thesumofthings - I 'tryyy' to channel my frustration into something else worthwhile... also go out for a drink with friends, buy myself something small but lovely, eat really good food etc... 

@quittingquince - Why is it that failure is perceived as a bad thing? And how can we REALLY manifest the mantra of "failing forward" or "failing is part of success"? I know all this in theory and I still struggle. 

@thecoachingdiva - To cut a long story short, I moved to Melbourne and I had to wait for my visa for ages. I could only see limitations and I felt defeated until the day I made a conscious choice to see this situation in a positive light and focus on what I had control of. You cannot control whether or not you will fail but you can control your attitude. SO whilst I was waiting for my visa I designed notebooks and my business is launching in December. Try and see what doors the universe is opening for you rather than staring at the closed ones. 

@matusbalogh - What was a lesson you learned from one of your failures that you then incorporated into your daily life? 

@han_ratcliffe - Have you always felt creative and therefore felt justified to start SMUG? Growing up I have loved crafting, art and design and tried it all but don't feel particularly good at one thing. I'd love to start a personal blog but my fear of a 'lack of talent' is holding me back... Loved your last podcast and looking forward to the next! 

@laurenwelland - So sorry to hear about the files but this sounds like a great idea. My question would be - What's the one thing that at the time felt like a big fail in your business but in fact turned into something positive?   

S H O W  N O T E S : 

Glossier Cloud Paint in Dusk - www.glossier.com

Glossier Haloscope in Quartz - www.glossier.com

Ottolenghi Islington - www.ottolenghi.co.uk

Sarah Akwisombe - www.nobullblogschool.com

Photos by Amber-Rose Photography
