podcast episode no. 31 - 10 ways to find peace and clarity in your busyness and your busine

Happy New Year! The first episode of my podcast 'How to Curate Your Life - Work Life Balance for the Creative Entrepreneur' for 2020 is all about finding more peace and clarity in your busyness and business. This subject is something I'm really focusing on right now and it's already helped me make some big changes in my life and business. I wanted to share with you here the things that have really been working for me and the things I'll be doing more to find peace and clarity in my busyness and business in 2020.  

1 .  W R I T E  M O R N I N G  P A G E S

2 .  M E D I T A T E

3 .  M O V E  Y O U R  B O D Y

4 .  G E T  T O  K N O W  Y O U R  I N N E R  C R I T I C  A N D  I N N E R  M E N T O R

5 .  M A K E  A R T I S T ' S  D A T E S

6 .  W H A T  W O U L D  Y O U  D O  I F  Y O U  C O U L D  N O T  F A I L ?

7.  L I V E  Y O U R  V A L U E S

8 .  S E T  M I N D F U L  G O A L S

9 .  B U I L D  R E L A T I O N S H I P S

1 0 .  C O M E  T O  M Y  ' S E L F  C A R E  F O R  C R E A T I V E S '  M E E T  U P 

S H O W  N O T E S : 

Sara Tasker's Instagram - www.instagram.com

The Artist's Way Book - wikipedia.org

Headspace - www.headspace.com

Couch to 5K - www.nhs.uk/live-well

30 Days of Yoga with Adriene - www.youtube.com

Playing Big Book - www.taramohr.com/the-playing-big-book

Playing Big Course - www.taramohr.com/courses

Inner Mentor exercise - www.taramohr.com/pbbookmaterials

Your Dream Life Starts Here Book - www.lizzieforsmug.com

Jess Lively work on Values - jesslively.com/getstarted

Mindful Goal Setting Workbook - www.lizzieforsmug.com

Naomi Mdudu's Instagram - www.instagram.com

My Self Care for Creatives Meet Up - www.lizzieforsmug.com/lizzie-meet-up

My Instagram - www.instagram.com

SMUG's SALE - www.lizzieforsmug.com
