the spring nail colour edit
I often find that Sunday is the best day for a bit of me time/pampering. I usually manage a lie in and a nice breakfast either in or out and, if we don't have plans to see people, often a take a turn around the park and spend most of the day chilling in the flat. Sometimes I repot cacti and succulents on the balcony, sometimes I bake sweet treats in the kitchen (blog posts coming on both in the near future) and others I give my hands a bit of love and take the time to shape and paint my nails. As spring is trying desperately to arrive I'm feeling in the mood to do this a little more regularly. Spring is the best time for nail colour no!? Whether playing it casj in jeans and a t shirt or floating around in something pretty, a pop of colour on the nails defo brings a smile to my face.So here's a little run down of my top 5 faves for spring. All available to buy now (I had to cut a couple of great ones no longer on the market so as not to be tease). Some of them are stars of the nail varnish world that you may already own, others might be a little more random or at least newer kids on the block. 1. Porchester Square by Nails Inc - I recently purchased my first ever bottle and I can't believe it's taken me this long to pick some up. Famed for being the perfect putty nude it really is a timeless classic. I'd been using Barry M's dupe Pit Stop in their Speedy Quick Dry formula which is amazing too but a little more mauvey which makes me prefer Porchester. 2. Absolutely Shore by essie - I'm loving almost white nail varnishes at the mo and this essie number in a super pale apple colour is my favourite. Fresh and understated, it's a very gentle way into the pastel on the nails world if you're normally a red or nothing kind of gal. I also really like Nails Inc's 'The New White' polish collection and have been wearing a lot of Swan Street which is similar to Absolutely Shore but less apply and more duck eggy. 3. Geranium by essie - Now this one is probably my favourite nail varnish of all time. It's the ultimate orangey red. Great all year round but particularly perfect for spring if you're moving on from a darker, more plumby red that was your winter go to. Like everyone I have many more reds in my drawer than any other nail colour, but this is the best. I kid you not. Buy it now. 4. Peaches and Cream by Nails Topshop - The next two colours are a little more quirky I guess but I've found them both to work rather nicely on my skin tone. If you don't know about Nails Topshop varnishes then you should get down there asap. Fun and fashionable pops of colour for only £5 with polkadot packaging. What's not to love? Peaches and Cream is my go to spring pastel nail colour. I'm finding that Peach and Mint are very much my colours of choice in the design world too at the mo. See our edit of HAY Kaleido Trays at SMUG for example. I'm loving a bit of apricot/peach. More on mint below... 5. Road Rage by Barry M - Another easy on the wallet range is the Barry M Speedy Quick Dry Nail Paint collection which I mentioned above. Only £3.99 a bottle and the quick drying formula is amazing. It makes painting your nails so much easier. This refreshing mint colour does take three coats but by the time you've finished your tenth nail your first is ready for it's next coat. Easy peasy. I'm planning on getting hold of a bottle in Eat My Dust which is a pale cornflower blue which I have a feeling I might love even more. Other nail oriented favourites include OPI base and top coats. I particularly like their RapiDry Quick Drying Top Coat. And I find Essie's Good As Gone Clarify Nail Polish Remover to be streets ahead of any other. The colour comes off really easily with one wipe and nails aren't left feeling dry or damaged. Well I think that's everything. Which colour will you be reaching for today? Having tested out the colours on my nails for this post I'm almost temped to stay techni-coloured!