
I am so pleased for you that you have found your creative voice and are able to spend your days designing, making, growing and creating. It’s a truly beautiful thing. You are more than halfway there to the life you want for yourself.


Now it’s time to start making the amount of money that you actually want to, the money you dream of, while doing more of what you love. You don’t have to choose and I can help you get there.


Money Mindset for Designer Makers!

A 4 week course and ongoing community, for designer makers who want to get their mindset sorted, so they can make more money doing what they love.

Over the course of a month you’ll gain access to weekly videos and workbooks, newsletters and journaling exercises as well as ‘live’ support in our community Zoom calls. Over the months and years, you will become part of a wonderful community of other designer makers, working on up-levelling their money mindsets in order to gain and live financial freedom and abundance.

But why would you want to be part of this course? Well, I don’t know about you, but for a long time I left my limiting beliefs about money (and my ability to make it) completely unchecked. And what did that lead to? Shock horror - me not making much money! I am lucky enough to be a creative person who has turned that creativity into a business. Do I love what I do? YES! Have I always been able to pay myself well doing it? NO! Does this ring true for you? Do you dream of making much more money than you currently do, while still working as a designer maker in your own business, loving what you do? Then this course and community is for you.

Once I got to the bottom of unpicking some of my own limiting beliefs around money (spoiler alert, there are soooo many that we are sold, told and bombarded with on a daily basis - it’s not something wrong with you, it’s what we’re told, time and time again to keep us small) I realised that a lot of it for me was around this idea that as someone creative who loved what I did, I shouldn’t expect to make good money. I chose the ‘happy’, ‘creative’, ‘humble’ route, not the ‘corporate’, ‘workaholic’, ‘sell-your-soul for money’ route. Can you see how many judgements, simplifications and assumptions there are in that statement?

Well I’m here to tell you, there are tonnes of creative people out there making lots and lots of money. Why not you!? (There are also plenty of corporate types who are happy, creative and humble by the way but that’s a whole other conversation).

Okay but where should you start? It’s very very likely that your money mindset could do with some (read a lot) of unpicking, re-learning and up-levelling. There’s really important work to do (and it creates change from the inside out). It’s important to tell you from the get-go that we need to re-visit this money mindset work over and over again (which is why this is not just a course but an ongoing community with regular Zoom calls let by me).

Keep reading if you’d like to hear more about the nitty gritty of what you’ll learn, what’s included week-on-week, what the investment is and if indeed this course is a good fit for you. I hope it is! Lizzie x


“Lizzie's Money Mindset course is brilliant! I made my money back and more within two weeks of starting. Yes, you will change your attitude to money and so much more. More confidence, more self-belief, more courage. Lizzie is warm, welcoming and encouraging. She bonds people together, so I felt like part of a band of intrepid explorers gathering new skills and fearless on our journey together. The creativity, challenge and care she brings is inspirational. It is life changing.”

Gabrielle Jones


“Lizzie offers a super safe, calm space to open up and be your authentic self with absolutely no view of judgement. The course is so supportive and carefully sheds light on to ideas and areas I hadn’t thought of, or had been choosing to lock away in the shadows. I came away knowing that my gifts and talent are there to be shared with the world, I shouldn’t make myself small for the sake of others, or believe the negative thoughts my mind often tells me. I owe it to myself and others to live my authentic life.”

Nichola Naylon


So what’s included?

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Weekly videos and workbooks

  • 4 Weeks of Videos and Workbooks. Each week you’ll gain access to a new video and workbook with actionable guidance, accessed through the course site. These are the main back bone of the course and will support you in doing the work you need to, to unpack and rewrite your limiting money beliefs and start seeing positive changes in your money mindset and positive impact on your money making ability.

Live calls and community

  • 8 LIVE Zoom Calls. When you sign up for the course, you will receive a welcome email, which will give you access to all live calls on Zoom. There are 8 this year, all hosted by Lizzie, so you can ask her your questions ‘in person’ and get to know many of the other MM for DM students who are working through the same things you are. It’s a brilliant support system.

Access to Lizzie

  • Special access. Because of the regular live Zoom calls included with this course, you are able to gain access to Lizzie in a way you would normally have to pay a lot more money for. You would normally need to invest in a group coaching programme or 1:1 coaching with Lizzie to get this sort of regular support, so it’s a really special opportunity and certainly works out as a lot of bang for your buck!


When do we start?

Start today! The weekly videos and workbooks, which are the main structure and backbone of the course, will become available to you weekly from the very day you sign up. Sign up today and you’ll get instant access to the welcome video and introduction, as well as the video and workbook for Week 1 : ‘Thoughts & Words’. Then in a weeks time you’ll gain access to the video and workbook for Week 2 : ‘Get Specific’, for you to watch and work through in your own time, and so on for the full 4 weeks.

When you sign up for the course you will also be automatically added to my online ‘Money Mindset for Designer Makers’ community. This means you will not only be signed up for my Money Mindset specific emails but will also get notified of the group coaching calls available FREE to all Money Mindset community members. I host 8 calls a year where we can all come together live on Zoom and work through this Money Mindset stuff in community. I’d love to see you there.


 What’s the investment?


You will learn to . . .

  • Identify the unconscious ways that you negatively speak and think about money. You will make permanent and powerful changes in the words you use and the thoughts you think about money. Our words and thoughts create our actions and our actions shape our reality.

  • Re-write your limiting beliefs around money and come up with positive Money Mantras and Affirmations that support you in getting out of your own way, making the money you want to and focusing on the riches you desire.

  • Mediate, find stillness and open yourself up to learning more deeply about yourself and your current relationship with money. You will develop a mindset of abundance and connect with your money making potential and the limitless opportunities there already are to make money.

  • Get specific about your ‘Why’, how much money you really want and the steps you can take right away to start getting closer to your goal of financial abundance.

  • Have faith in yourself and the Universe and tap into the powerful practice of gratitude. You will learn ways to maintain the feelings of trust, faith and gratitude and notice the visible changes this makes to your daily life. You will see that as your openness to making money grows and your trust in your own ability to do so expands, more money and money making opportunities will become apparent in your life.

  • Take the decisive action you need to (keeping fear at bay) to move purposely forward in making more money each week, month, year and decide to reach your short and long term goals of financial freedom.

  • Connect with your Inner Mentor, your unique inner wisdom and find that so much of what you feel you need, you already have inside of you.

  • Visualise your dream life, connect with the emotions that come forward for you there and connect to them in your everyday to keep you on track to making your dream life a reality.

  • Money map, get great at knowing your numbers. Both your basic cost of living and your dream cost of living. You will use these numbers to map out how you are going to bring in more money and take the action you need to to make that happen. All whilst being open to receiving other opportunities for making money that are already available to you but that you have not yet been aware of.

  • Step into the tenacity and bravery you need to grow, take up more space and become the best and richest version of yourself, so you are able to live your dream life (for you and your family and friends) and share your you-ness (and money) with the world.


This is for you if . . .

  • You are a designer maker who loves what you do but struggles with prioritising making good money doing it.

  • You are fed up of living month by month, working hard to do all the things and pay all the bills and are ready to take action to work on your mindset and find some financial freedom.

  • You sometimes feel like you’re waiting for money to ‘happen to you’ or for it to ‘arrive’ but with no strategy or plan in place to actually make this a reality.

  • You know you are meant for more and want to reach your full potential but need the support and tried and tested tools to help you get there.

  • You are looking for the freedom that comes with having all the money you need and the contentment and affirmation that comes with knowing you made it happen.

  • You dream of building a life full of abundance for you and your loved ones, able to use your money for good to create more beauty, hope and kindness in the world.

This is not for you if :

  • You want someone to do the work for you and magic you a bigger salary.

  • You don’t have the time right now to really dive in and ‘do the work’.

  • You are not a designer maker or creative working for yourself. There are other money mindset courses out there for you that might be a better fit. I’m all about supporting designer makers in making more money and living their dream lives.

  • You don’t respond well to suggestions or feel open to trying out new techniques.

  • My little boy interrupting me (so I can help him access the next episode of Peppa Pig or whatever) would get on your nerves.

  • You are looking for a perfect, one size fits all easy ‘fix’ to your current financial situation. This course, my coaching and this amazing community will 100% help you in recognising your limiting beliefs around money (and the rest), help you rewrite those limiting beliefs, gain confidence in understanding what you want and get super specific on what that looks like for you. We’ll work on unearthing the decisive action you need to take to make changes in your mindset life to be far more open to making money and I’ll support you in stepping into the best and truest version of yourself (that is already in there) BUT only YOU can do the work in your own life. You need to want to change things up and be committed to adapting the way you think and speak about money and open yourself up to being someone who wants and makes lots of money! I am sooooo here for you. But you also need to be ready to make this happen for yourself.


Contact me - reach out with any questions


 Sign up and start today!


Hear more from past Money Mindset students…

Lizzie is a kind and relatable guide to uncovering the unhelpful beliefs we hold around money and working towards reframing them. This course was by no means the end of my journey to changing my money mindset but it was an incredibly accessible and encouraging first step and many of the techniques we discussed are things I return to on a regular basis. Lizzie created a safe space for the group to share fears, insecurities but also successes and I genuinely looked forward to every session. This course not only provided me the tools I needed to move forward but also a lasting support system of likeminded women that I am so grateful to have in my life.
— Josie James
Lizzie’s Money Mindset Coaching really was a revelation to me, not knowing anything about money mindset I really didn’t know what to expect, but knew I had to make changes to the way I thought if I was gonna change things. The great thing about this course is it’s not just about money, it’s about having confidence and valuing yourself and believing you deserve abundance, which is pretty important!

When I first started I didn’t think I’d tell anyone I was doing it, such is our fear of talking about money! Within a week I was telling anyone that would listen and everyone was really supportive and started to acknowledge their own limiting beliefs, which I think shows how much we need this coaching.

Lizzie creates a safe space for women to challenge the negative thoughts we have about ourselves and money and is both encouraging and nurturing to help us realise just how great we are! It’s really important we invest in ourselves, after all, we are worth investing in!
— Mary-Ann Foster
Upon seeing Lizzie chatting about her new Money Mindset course on IG I knew I wanted to sign up and work with her. It was refreshing to see someone so relatable talk openly about these topics, with a willingness to change and call out the blocks we so often put on ourselves.

In order to take part in the course I wanted to bring that money in, not dip into my savings. The weekend I saw Lizzie’s post I was taking part in an online ceramics fair so I held the total required in my mind, focused on my highest level of positivity I could find and believed I could do it. I bought in over double the course value that weekend!

Over the weeks of the course I uncovered and questioned my past beliefs, focused in on my values, desires and whys. The sessions became more than looking into money mindset, they uncovered what was making me tick, why I do the work I do and how I want to map out my future plans.
— Nichola Naylon
Lizzie cultivates such a safe nurturing environment where you can freely explore yourself and your relationship with money free from judgement. 

I wanted to do this course the first time Lizzie ran it but I mmmmed and erred for too long that I missed enrolment. In hindsight, I see that this was another way of limiting myself. Getting in my own damn way of going after the things I want, especially when it comes to the money. Thinking it wasn’t for me, that I wasn’t deserving of it, responsible enough for it. 

Taking Lizzie’s course has not only helped breakdown my limiting beliefs about money but has also given me the beautiful gift of a community of women who have gone on to become friends and cheerleaders as we support one another on our journey to creating the life we want for ourselves.
— Nina Elegba